
Tackling dental phobia

Nobody necessarily likes going to the dentist, but for some people, just the Thought of an upcoming dental visit can trigger many mixed unpleasant Feelings such as anxiety and sleeplessness. These people are commonly known To suffer from dental phobia, which is generally the term used to define a Fear of dentists and dental work.


Deriving from the greek word ‘phóbos’, the term Translates to mean an extreme or irrational fear Of, or aversion to something. This kind of fear is Often exaggerated and disabling, and the sufferer Will try to avoid it by any means possible.

According to the british dental association, Around 25% of the british population suffers from some sort of anxiety before visiting the dentist, And around 12% of us suffer from extreme dental Anxiety and fear.

Dental phobia comes in many forms, but to name A few, there’s the fear of the needle, fear of the pain associated with treatment, fear of the drill, Fear of feeling powerless and/or fear of choking.

Patients can experience one or more of these Feelings and in many cases, this leads to the client missing their appointment or becoming severely distressed during their visit. Sometimes, Intense fear may make it near impossible for the Dentist to fulfill the treatment.

However, where do these phobias originate from? There is no solid answer here, as these feelings vary from person to person, but for many patients It’s often related to a previous bad experience.

While some patients have not had bad Experiences themselves, they may of heard horror stories from others. Many patients nowadays are Using internet-based message boards, blogs and social networking sites to keep in touch, which ultimately can lead to false rumours surrounding certain treatments.

Also, parents who themselves are very frightened of certain treatments, can enforce that fear on their children when bringing them in for checkups or treatments.

So how do you overcome these problems? Every Dentist has their own way of treating patients, But our theory is that faultless communication And preparation is vital when treating patients With dental phobia.

The patient should tell their dentist exactly how They feel and what fears they have. If they’ve had a bad experience previously, they need to be More specific and relay which aspect of the treatment they found most difficult. The dentist Must listen thoroughly and do their best to try to avoid and overcome those problems, in order to Put the patient at ease.

We will always do our utmost to explain the Treatment systematically; this includes what is going to happen and what instruments and Materials we are going to use. We also make Sure that the patient has the option to stop the Treatment at any time.

After the initial consultation, a patient’s comfort In the dental chair is a very important factor. Many patients like to listen to music to drown out the Sound of the dental drill. In some surgeries there are even tv screens placed on the ceiling as a Means to distract their mind.

Most importantly, a patient with dental phobia Should have frequent checkups to avoid extended treatments such as root canal or extractions.

It is very important to find a dentist that you can Build a good relationship with and whom you can trust.

With today’s vast improvements in technology, There are alternative techniques to be used such as the wand (pain-free injection), laser dentistry, Air abrasion, and digital impressions.

However, while these may be applicable in some Cases, they certainly will not replace the dental drill or local anesthetic needle every time. Therefore, in the long term, tackling the phobia Itself is by far the best option.




Facial rejuvenation

As we age, our skin ages too. After the age of 30, the skin starts to gradually lose its elasticity; gravity starts to show its effects; the facial muscles start to cause imprints on the skin and gradually signs of ageing start to become more apparent.

The desire of looking younger and slowing down the speed of this ageing is on the increase. For centuries, women have been trying different methods to rejuvenate their skin, and prolong their youth. The use of herb extracts and natural products, chemical treatments and in some parts of the world, facial rejuvenation acupuncture are a few ways of achieving this.


However, the most recent addition to this arsenal of treatments is the use of muscle-relaxant treatment to treat lines on the skin created by facial muscles when forming expressive movements such as smiling and frowning.

Muscle-relaxant treatments using botulinum toxin

As we smile, frown, squint, lift our eyebrows or make faces, we are contracting different muscles or muscle groups in our face. As we grow older and the elasticity of the skin starts to reduce, these constant contractions which cause folds on the skin, start to become permanent and more visible on the skin. In the early fifties, scientists discovered a protein from a bacteria called clostridium botulinum. Once treatment into a muscle, this protein paralyses the muscle and stops it from contracting which in turn makes wrinkles disappear.

This product was initially used to treat medical conditions such as crossed eyes, eyelid spasm and neck pain and it wasn’t until 2002 that this protein was first approved for the use in cosmetic therapy. Today, anti-wrinkle treatment are used for treating a wider range of medical conditions and also has become a more popular treatment in facial cosmetics. In the facial area, muscle-Relaxant treatments are used to treat undesired wrinkles in the forehead and between the eyebrows, glabellar lines, and the lines at the corner of the eyes, crow’s feet. It can also be used to smooth the muscles in the neck area and around the mouth and nose. Using a very fine needle, the protein is carefully treated in a specific amount into specific muscles in the face to make them relax.

Topical numbing creme can be used prior to treatment although the procedure is not considered painful it takes a few days for the effects to become visible. The results are amazing. Without the need of plastic surgery or skin lift, the wrinkles in the treated area disappear, making the skin look smoother and appearing younger. The effects generally last 3-4 months but can last up to six months. This treatment is completely safe for as long as it is applied by an educated and experience dental or medical professional. A pre­treatment consultation is a must to evaluate if this procedure is both ideal and suitable for your concerns.

Another facial rejuvenation treatment that is becoming more widely spread is the use of dermal fillers

Dermal fillers refer to products such as collagen and hyaluronic acid which are the natural ingredients in our skin. As we grow older, exposure to sun and years of muscle movement gradually causes the skin to dry out and causes skin volume loss by breaking down these natural ingredients. By treating dermal fillers under the skin, this will help to rejuvenate the skin and replace this skin volume loss. It is used to eliminate wrinkles in different parts of the face such as around the mouth and nose, raise scar depressions and to improve the lip shape and volume. After appropriate anesthesia, fillers are carefully treated by a very fine needle under the skin in the selected area and the effects are immediate. There are different types of fillers depending on the area being treated. Same as with anti-wrinkle treatments, this procedure should be provided by an experienced dental or medical clinician after an initial consultation and assessment. The effects lasts between 9-12 months.

At ego cosmetics we offer free consultations and assessments which will provide you with necessary information before you make any decisions. We assess your skin, listen to your concerns and tell you whether these treatments are suitable for you. You will be informed of all necessary aftercare and long term maintenance.


The perfect smile

Tooth whitening is a minimally invasive and effective way of changing the natural colour of your teeth without having to remove any tooth substance. It is considered a very good option for you if you are considering having whiter teeth without having to place veneers or crowns on them which involve drilling your tooth.

As we grow older our teeth also become darker and although this is partly caused by the process of ageing, it is also exaggerated by our diet and by other habits such as smoking. Tea, coffee, red wine, curries and other foods which have strong colours can have an effect on the overall colour of our teeth, especially if being consumed over a longer period of time. Teeth also can become darker if their roots have been damaged or diseased and can also be stained by certain medication.

Just like eye colour and skin type which are genetic, our teeth are also different from person to person. Certain people naturally have either a grey, yellow or brownish shade to their teeth.

What methods of tooth whitening are there? Your dentist will need to assess your teeth to make sure that you are suitable for the treatment. They will decide if tooth whitening is appropriate for you and will discuss the options available.

There are a number of methods with which you might get your teeth whitened.

In-surgery whitening, performed by a dentist in the dental surgery, is a popular method in which the dentist applies the bleaching material on the patients teeth and supervises the treatment.

Gums sometimes require protection with a special gel prior to application of the bleaching material and the process takes between one to two hours.

Home whitening is another popular method which involves having custom made trays made. This is also supervised by a dentist. You apply the bleaching gel yourself when you are at home and wear it for few hours or even over-night. Your dentist will discuss with you exactly how long you should keep the tray in your mouth. It is important to follow the instructions that you are given to get the best result. Different strengths of bleach require different instructions which will be given and demonstrated in full by the dentist before you leave the surgery. You then regularly apply the whitening product over a two to four week period, generally for an hour to overnight depending on which strength has been prescribed to you.

There is also in-surgery power whitening (laser whitening) in which gel is applied onto your teeth and then a light is shone onto the gel to speed up the whitening reaction. Also here a soft material will be placed over your gums to protect them.

Be aware that tooth whitening can only work on natural teeth. It will not work on any types of false teeth such as dentures, crowns and veneers. Also fillings will not be bleached. If you have any fillings in the front teeth, after the bleaching process your fillings may need to be changed to match the new colour of the teeth.

To maintain the whiteness it is important to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste for two minutes every day, use fluoride mouthwash and cut down on foods that stain your teeth. You may also require an occasional top-up of bleaching in the future.

Stopping smoking is the most major step in preventing discolouration and staining, as well as improving your overall health.

In the uk it is illegal for anyone other than dentists to carry out teeth whitening. Anyone else offering teeth whitening (e.g. Beauticians, hairdressers, etc) won’t have the right training and knowledge which could permanently damage your teeth and gums. Also they will not be able to help you if something goes wrong.

Products bought online can also be very dangerous as the ingredients cannot be guaranteed and may not be medically approved. Don’t risk your dental health.

Performed under supervision, teeth whitening can result in an amazing and simple improvement to your smile.


