Expose and Bond Procedures

Expose and Bond Procedure in Dental Surgery

When a tooth, often a canine, is impacted and unable to emerge on its own, an expose and bond procedure can help guide it into place. This is a common oral surgery procedure performed by oral surgeons in collaboration with orthodontists to help align teeth correctly and ensure a healthy bite.

What is the Expose and Bond Procedure?

The expose and bond procedure is a minor surgical intervention designed to help an impacted tooth move into its correct position. The term “impacted” means that a tooth is trapped beneath the gums and unable to erupt on its own, often due to lack of space, an abnormal position, or blockage from other teeth. This is most common with the upper canine teeth, which play a key role in a balanced bite and a harmonious smile.

How the Procedure Works

1. Initial Consultation and Imaging

The process begins with a consultation with an oral surgeon. Using diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays or 3D scans, the surgeon and orthodontist will locate the impacted tooth and assess its position. This step ensures that we have a clear plan for the procedure and can anticipate any complexities.

2. Expose the Tooth

During the surgery, the oral surgeon makes a small incision in the gum tissue to access the impacted tooth. This step exposes the tooth so it can be guided into its proper alignment.

3. Bonding the Tooth

After the tooth is exposed, a small orthodontic bracket is bonded to the tooth. This bracket has a chain or other attachment, which the orthodontist will use to gently pull the tooth into the right position over time.

4. Follow-Up and Orthodontic Treatment

Once the bonding is complete, the patient returns to their orthodontist, who will use braces or other orthodontic tools to gradually apply gentle pressure, guiding the tooth into its natural position. This process takes time and varies based on each patient’s needs, but it’s a highly effective way to ensure the tooth emerges in the correct alignment.

Benefits of the Expose and Bond Procedure

Improved Smile Aesthetics: Impacted teeth, particularly canines, can affect the appearance of a person’s smile. This procedure ensures that teeth come into alignment, enhancing facial aesthetics and symmetry.

Enhanced Oral Health: Misaligned or impacted teeth can lead to complications like overcrowding, which may make it difficult to clean the teeth properly. Bringing impacted teeth into alignment helps improve oral hygiene and reduces the risk of decay and gum disease.

Better Functionality: Properly aligned teeth are crucial for a functional bite, and the expose and bond procedure helps achieve this by guiding impacted teeth to their ideal position.

Recovery and Aftercare

After the expose and bond procedure, it’s normal to experience some mild discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed pain relievers or over-the-counter medications. Good oral hygiene is essential to prevent infection and support healing, so following the surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully is key. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities within a day or two after the procedure.

For more information please book your consultaton with our oral surgeon.
