Important Update from

Friday 11 February 2022 , this guidance applies to ENGLAND

If you’re fully vaccinated, you no longer need to take a COVID-19 test either before or after you arrive in the UK. You still need to complete a passenger locator form.


Tuesday 7th December 2021:

We hope you and your family have been keeping safe.

Following the recent release of the Dental Appendix to the Government’s new Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for healthcare settings, we wanted to announce some important changes to our services from

Tuesday 7th December 2021.

A New Screening Tool – Respiratory and Non-Respiratory pathways

From tomorrow, a new screening tool will be introduced to place our patients onto either a ‘Respiratory’ or ‘Non-Respiratory’ pathway.

Before your appointment, you will be contacted by email or by a member of our reception team to answer a new set of COVID-19 screening questions which will place you on either of the two pathways. The new screening questions we will be using can be found online here.

For those patients who fall onto the non-respiratory pathway at the time of your appointment, we will be applying so called standard infection prevention precautions. This allows us to safely return to completing many routine ‘aerosol generating procedures’ including the use of ultrasonic scaling and airflow technologies in our dental hygiene appointments.

Should you fall onto the respiratory pathway, a risk assessment will be completed by one of our clinical team members to see whether your treatment can safely be deferred temporarily. If it cannot, you will be seen under a different set of ‘transmission based precautions’. This will allow us to ensure you, our patients and our team members remain safe.

It is vitally important that you are aware of the new screening tool. Knowledge of the tool may allow you to assess whether you need to contact us before you appointment to discuss being seen under respiratory pathway conditions and save any potential disruption to your appointment on the day. 

Current safety measures remain in place

Alongside there new changes, here’s a reminder of what else we are doing to keep you safe

  • Universal masking/face coverings – it remains mandatory for staff and patients within dental settings.
  • Separate entrance and exits – We will also be continuing to operate a one way system through the practice, with our temporary entrance at the rear of the practice remaining in use.
  • Hand sanitisers – Remain situated throughout the practice
  • Social distancing – our waiting rooms are still set up to maintain socially distanced
  • Segregated Surgery – patients being seen on our respiratory pathway will be seen in a different clinical room and screened in a separate waiting area.

You can find more information about our control measures online

A kind request

Our practice team are still working very hard in difficult and changing circumstances to serve our patients. This season, we would ask everyone to please continue to be kind, patient and respectful whilst we try to keep everyone safe.


Lockdown announcement 4th of January 2021:

EGO Dental Clinic will remain OPEN as usual! – Please note that our opening hours may differ.

If we are closed during the opening hours please email us on [email protected] or text us on our emergency WhatsApp line ‭07999 666699.


2nd of November 2020

Latest UPDATE EGO Dental Clinic Managment: We will remain OPEN as usual – Please notice the opening hours may change.

For more information please contact the management


29th of July 2020

Please read before your visit

The novel coronavirus causes the disease known as COVID-19, coronavirus virus has a long incubation period during which carriers of the virus may not show symptoms and still be contagious.

Please do not visit us if you do have any of the symptoms below

• Fever
• Cough
• Sore Throat
• Shortness of Breath
• Difficulty Breathing
• Flu-like symptoms
• Runny Nose
• Loss or smell/taste
• Temperature > 38°C

Patients with high risk category, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, lung diseases including moderate to severe asthma, being immuno-compromised, having active malignancy, or over age 65.

Do not visit us if you are currently positive for the novel coronavirus or awaiting results of a laboratory test for the novel coronavirus.

Do not visit us if you have returned to the UK from any country outside of the UK whether by car, air, ferry, bus or train in the past 14 days.

Travel from any country outside of the UK, including travel by car, air, bus or train, significantly increases my risk of contracting and transmitting the novel coronavirus. The UK NHS requires self-isolation for 14 days from the date a person has returned to the UK. (specific countries only – See updated list on

Public health England (PHE) has asked individuals to maintain physical distancing of at least 2 metres (6 feet) and it is not possible to maintain this distance and receive dental treatment.

Do not visit us if you have identified as a contact of someone who has tested positive for novel coronavirus or been asked to self-isolate by the NHS, Public health England or any other governmental health agency.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions


For more up-to-date about COVID-19 Please visit
Team EGO


7th of June 2020:

Updated Advice from 7th of June 2020 (to be reviewed weekly)
Following the Government and Chief Dental Officer (England) announcement on 28th May 2020 concerning the resumption of routine face to face dentistry.

Dear Patients

We are excited to have the opportunity to welcome you back to the clinic from the 8th of June onwards.

However in the view of the potential seriousness of the Covid-19, please note that we respectfully ask you to be patient with us as we prepare the phased reopening of the practice.

The return to routine dental care may still not begin for a couple of weeks, as there are complexities such as limited availability of PPE, strict national guidance and Covid-19 alert level.

Also number of patients being seen each day is drastically reduced due to enhanced measures we must take to maintain safety.

There are certain extra steps  and measures that have been added in order for us to be able to see you. We will send these out individually prior to your appointment.

Surgery opening Phase 1

We will initially only see patients with the most urgent dental needs, such as dental and facial pain, swellings and infections. PRE-BOOKED APPOINTMENTS ONLY!
There is a backlog of patients with urgent needs who have been triaged over the phone during lockdown and they will get the priority spaces.

Surgery opening Phase 2 

Once patients with urgent needs have been treated we can return to routine, non urgent dental care such as examinations, hygienist cleanings, Invisalign etc…

On both phases we will maintain our 24/7  free emergency  triaged services over the phone and FREE Virtual consultations. (WhatsApp – B2020)

Your safety and PPE

Our practice has always maintained the highest, up-to-date cross infection protocols. We have arranged the best personal protective equipment out there, including Fit tested filtration masks FFP3, visors, gowns, aprons and masks.

The filtration masks are all fit tested to the individual staff members face, causing no particles get through from our end or yours.This will help to keep us all completely safe from any respiratory droplets.

These are all extra measures taken to keep us all safe and allow for us to see you as soon as possible.


Qualitative Face Fit Test Certificate Safety First-Tutor: Daniel H.  Grad IOSH MIIRSM MIFPO

World Health Organization:

Certificates: A Confirmation of Participation PPE – Personal Protective Equipment

Certificates: A Confirmation of Participation IPC – Infection Prevention Control

We are very sorry for any inconvenience that this has caused you all and are very grateful for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you soon in the clinic.

Kind regards

Dr Charlie Attariani

Dr Golnar Hassirian



Ego Dental Clinic and Ego Health and Beauty – Victoria – St James Park – London

20th of March 2020:

COVID-19 Update

At EGO Dental Clinic we have been doing everything we can to keep the practice open, whilst ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of our patients and team members.

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement and due to the evolving situation with the Corona Virus outbreak and following the guidelines issued by the UK Government and Public Health England and taking into account other Government advice, we have unfortunately taken the difficult decision to cease providing our normal dental services. Hence, as of Friday 20th of March , EGO Dental Clinic and EGO Health and Beauty will be closed  We will only be providing emergency services triaged over the phone and FREE WhatsApp virtual consultation call

For 24/7 serious dental emergencies please call the NHS line 111

Serious emergencies include:

  • Facial swelling extending to eye or neck
  • Bleeding due to trauma
  • Tooth broken and causing pain, or tooth fallen out
  • Significant toothache preventing sleep, eating, associated with significant swelling, or fever that cannot be managed with painkillers

Seek A&E for:

  • Facial swelling affecting vision or breathing, preventing mouth opening more than 2 fingers width
  • Trauma causing loss of consciousness, double vision or vomiting.

Non-Urgent (may need to wait)

  • Loose or lost crowns, bridges or veneers
  • broken, rubbing or loose denture
  • bleeding gums
  • broken, loose or lost fillings
  • chipped teeth with no pain
  • loose orthodontic wire/braces

We will continue to use robust infection control procedures, wiping down surfaces between patients with extra vigilance to include door handles and other higher risk areas, whilst using appropriate PPE.

For those of you who are on our dental dental scheme, we will still see you for any dental emergencies and we appreciate your loyalty and continued support. 

We want to let you, our dear patients, know that we are here for you to offer any service that you might need in these difficult times and we will try to be available for you as much as the guidelines and current rules allow us.

Hopefully we will get through this difficult situation soon and our lives can go back to normal and we can continue to see you all for future visits. We will infrom you as soon as we are back to normal services again.

In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy and protect your loved ones.

Kind regards

Dr. Charlie Attariani

Dr. Golnar Hassirian

Team EGO
