Laser Tattoo Removal

About Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment

St James Beauty has been successfully registered with the Westminster City Council for tattoo removal treatments. We use the Q-Switch Lynton Laser which is the most recommended  to remove unwanted tattoos.

The laser light is directed into your skin and absorbed by the tattoo’s ink particles trapped in the dermis of the skin. Once the laser has broken the ink, your body’s immune system works to remove the ink over the following weeks, flashing it away from tattooed area. 

The number of treatments required to remove a tattoo may depend on the size of the tattoo, location, quality of the ink, and whether it is a single coloured design or a large multi-coloured tattoo. In most cases, the tattoo fades beneath the skin over the course of the tattoo removal treatment.

*Consultation and patch test is required prior to the treatment. Light colours might not be treated as treatment wouldn’t be successfully.

Laser Tattoo Removal Prices

Single Session6 Sessions8 SessionsTop Up
(3 sessions)
up to 2.5cm sq
up to 5cm sq
up 10cm sq
up to 15cm sq
Extra large
up to 20cm sq

Step-by-Step Guide to your EGO experience

  1. Book your FREE consultation.
  2. Consultation and Patch Test. Upon arrival at EGO, you will be seen by one of our experienced team who will carry out an assessment of your skin to confirm that you are suitable for laser tattoo removal followed by a patch test. We can then answer all your questions and discuss treatment and price plans.
  3. After 24 hours you can begin your first treatment.
  4. Treatment times. The recommended time between each treatment is 4-6 weeks.
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